Looking for help?
- Can I deactivate my account?
- How do I change my password?
- I lose internet access on the phone in places like my office – but it has wired LAN PCs. What do I do?
- What are the benefits of the Smart-Phone app?
- For the stenographer, can the transcription be done without access to the internet?
- What is the registration process?
- Can the I record through a laptop / PC / Mac?
- How can I get the phone apps?
- How can I improve the Transcription process
- How can I improve the Dictation process?
- How do I make the payments?
- Do I have to pay in advance?
- How expensive is CyberSteno?
- How can extra team members be added? Can they be removed if necessary?
- How is the Admin created?
"How-to" Videos
- Articles coming soon
< All Topics
How to type from the dictated audio
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