Looking for help?
- Can I deactivate my account?
- How do I change my password?
- I lose internet access on the phone in places like my office – but it has wired LAN PCs. What do I do?
- What are the benefits of the Smart-Phone app?
- For the stenographer, can the transcription be done without access to the internet?
- What is the registration process?
- Can the I record through a laptop / PC / Mac?
- How can I get the phone apps?
- How can I improve the Transcription process
- How can I improve the Dictation process?
- How do I make the payments?
- Do I have to pay in advance?
- How expensive is CyberSteno?
- How can extra team members be added? Can they be removed if necessary?
- How is the Admin created?
"How-to" Videos
- Articles coming soon
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How is the Admin created?
By default, the creator of the account becomes the Admin.
He can then give Admin rights to anyone else.
The sole existing Admin cannot be removed without creating a second Admin.
Any team member can be deactivated by the Admin, in the Manage User module.
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